Last week I said this weekend would be a training withthe national team, this is great news fort he sport as a whole in the Netherlands. It was a great weekend due to combined effort of the national coach Talisa Hof and the new manager of the ski lake, who is also a member of the national team. The result of this was a great coach from Belgium, CoyotteSaintviteux and good food for the lunch and a BBQ Saturday evening. This allowed for a great atmosphere the entire weekend along with some good results from all the skiers. In total I did 6 sets this weekend, which was not as much as I would’ve liked, but the weather was much worse than it was the past few weeks. In stead of the 20-25 degrees (Celsius) that we had, this weekend it cooled down to 10 degrees with wind from the wrong side… Despite all this, I still learned a lot! Some things that were bound to happen soon, happened due to some final tips from the coach, which was great! Even better was that I started learning a new trick, the ‘wrap-in’ in toehold, on the Saturday, which immediately went really well. On the Sunday towards the end of my set, I made this trick for the first time. It felt really cool to learn a new trick in 2 days, since usually learning new tricks takes much longer. I also made sure to film the wake 360 step for you this time, you can find it on my Facebook Page! I made this trick only once, and it was not very controlled, but there’s a start. Because I’m a little camera shy, my sets go worse when there’s someone filming. Due to this I didn’t film my other sets and thus I can’t show the ‘wrap-in’ with toehold just yet. Since it was such a great weekend, there are plans to have some more training days shortly before the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg) championship. This will be three days instead of two and together with the same trainer. I am very confident that this will allow for great results for #teamNL on the championship! It was a really fun time (gezellig) with all the skiers, because it had been 5 months since we saw each other in Florida this winter. It is promising to be a season with lots of fun and great results for all of us.
Even though the sport is not so popular, this weekend there was not one training camp, but two. The one for the national team, but also a camp for the youth of my home club, the ‘WSCP’. This is organized every year with Pentecost, on Sunday and Monday. This means I will be welcome there tomorrow, so I can still enjoy both camps this weekend. Here there will be two local trainers, Toon van der Ploeg, who won silver on last years disabled worlds, and Pascal van Dijken, who does not ski tournaments anymore, but has achieved great things in his water-skiing career. It will be fun to see how everyone is skiing after their week in Spain and after today.
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